120 N. Huron St, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Holy Eucharist Sundays 10 a.m. info@stlukesypsi.org 734.483.4253


St. Luke’s has a noteworthy relationship with SOS Community Services helping to provide the homeless and those in crisis with food, clothing and incidentals. St. Luke's also helps the community through partnerships with the Ann Arbor YMCA and… Read More

Youth Groups

The mission of the Youth Ministries is to engage, equip and celebrate the power and presence of youth, young adults and those working with these populations allowing young people to explore their relationships with Jesus, each other and… Read More

Church School

Interested adults work together to engage children in the church school experience and to create family-centered activities. The annual Epiphany Pageant is an intergenerational telling of the story of Christ’s birth.

Church Nursery

St. Luke’s provides safe and loving care for infants and toddlers every Sunday during the service.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild of St. Luke’s is responsible for maintaining Liturgical supplies and preparing the altar for the greatest feast of all times!


Acolytes assist in worship as altar servers and can be any age or gender. They may carry the processional cross, light candles, assist at the altar and many other tasks as seen fit by the Rector. Trainings for… Read More

Prayer Chain

The Prayer Chain Ministry prays for the sick, recovering, and housebound members and friends of St. Luke's Church.

Eucharistic Minister

Lay ministers assist with the chalice during the celebration of Holy Communion. They also provide regular Liturgical outreach at the Gilbert Residence in Ypsilanti.



Under the direction of the Director of Music, St. Luke’s Choir is open to all. No audition or prior experience is required.


Eastern Michigan University Ministry

St. Luke’s presents special and seasonal programs for EMU students, faculty, staff and alums—at church, on campus and around town.

Church Garden / Lawn Care

Parishioners with an interest and love for gardening/ lawn care share their gifts with St. Luke’s.