120 N. Huron St, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Holy Eucharist Sundays 10 a.m. info@stlukesypsi.org 734.483.4253

May 29 Weekly Update

Congratulations to all our Graduates!

Friday, June 7 – First Fridays Ypsi

We are a hosting site for celebrating local musicians and artists. Hospitality helpers needed. Sign-up at Coffee Hour.

Children’s Choir to sing for Pentecost on Sunday, June 9

Children’s Choir rehearsals are after church in the Choir Room.

NEXT Sunday, June 9 – Pentecost and Sundae Sunday

Wear RED picnic clothes and celebrate the season. Tags for Sundae supplies at Coffee Hour.

To celebrate Father’s Day, June 16

Please donate bags of BROWN much. Leave your gifts outside the 1950s Great Hall door or just inside the Garth gate.

PALM Ride Lunch Fundraiser

Thursday & Friday, June 27-28 Help make sandwiches on the 27th and/or host lunch in Luna Pier on the 28th. Sign-up at Coffee Hour.

EMU Student Food Pantry!

Please bring on Sundays and help fill up the SOS box. Power bars, soup, coffee & tea, pasta & sauce, toiletries, personal hygiene, laundry and dish soap.

Liturgy Service  Sign-up

All Are Necessary – REALLY!

We need readers, LEMS, ushers and crucifers for Sundays. We need readers, LEMS, ushers and crucifers! The Liturgy Servers are an integral part of the service. Be an active part of St. Luke’s. Sign-up sheets are at the back of the Church.

Putting Our Thoughts & Prayers into Action!

White House/President: 202-456-1111
Representative/Senator: 202-224-3121
Department of Education: 800-872-5327
Department of Justice: 202-353-1555
Department of Homeland Security/ICE Policy: 202-732-4292 Environmental Protection Agency: 202-272-0167

Pledge payments and donations can be made online with PayPal!

Just go to : http://stlukesypsi.org/give/

No Choir Rehearsal May 30 and June 6!

Thank you to Marijim and the Volunteer Choir for a season of beautiful music.

The office will be closed Thursday, May 30.

Gawaine Dart memorial will be
at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
on Sunday, June 9, 2019
