120 N. Huron St, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Holy Eucharist Sundays 10 a.m. info@stlukesypsi.org 734.483.4253

Church School

At St. Luke’s Church School we believe in empowering children through both formal and informal learning opportunities. Sunday school leaders are responsible for creating an environment which allows children to affirm their own identity as beloved children of God and to begin discovering the ministries to which they themselves are called, at church and in the world. We believe parents are their children’s primary faith teachers, opening up the spiritual life to their children, and the church needs to help both parents and children achieve this goal.

Currently we are operating with a one-room school model, with children from ages 4-12 all in the same classroom engaging the same stories and questions. Older and younger children are able to learn from each other in this model. Our mission in the classrooms is to guide the children in their understanding of who they are, why they are special, who Christ is, how they relate to Christ and how through Christ they relate to the world. We do this through a variety of methods, including Bible stories, art projects, and games. Our goal is to prepare our children for the future, equipped with the knowledge of Jesus’ teachings, power and love!

The Nursery

St. Luke’s also has a nursery that is staffed every week with long-time members who feel called to this special ministry. Infants (and children) are also welcome to remain in church.

Keeping Your Children Safe

St. Luke’s is committed to safeguarding all of God’s children and follows the policies of the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan. This policy is intended to create a safe environment for children, youth, and vulnerable adults, from sexual, physical and/or personal abuse or exploitation. More information regarding the policy and training can be found here: https://www.edomi.org/safe-church/

Easter Pageant 2023

Extra, Extra! The Exclusive True Story of Easter (read the script)

Newsroom: Easter Play

The play was performed Sunday, April 16, 2023, the week after Easter Sunday.