120 N. Huron St, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Holy Eucharist Sundays 10 a.m. info@stlukesypsi.org 734.483.4253

Serving in the Service

There are several opportunities to participate in the service at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church.

If you’d like to serve, you can mention this to the Rev. Taylor Vines, or the service coordinator, Sasha Killewald (akillewa@gmail.com).

Please refer to the following notes if you are interested in learning more. We are all amateurs, so don’t worry about making mistakes. Many will be serving for the first time on any given Sunday. For additional information about how to serve, please contact the Rev. Taylor Vines or Sasha Killewald.

Upcoming Schedule

Serving during the service

Additional opportunities before/after the service

  • Counters – After church, two individuals will count the offerings. Instructions are in the office.
  • Altar Guild – Before and after church, members of the altar guild set up and reset the altar area. Please contact Marcia McCrary for more information.

Here is a layout of the church with labels of what we called the different areas. Some of these areas are mentioned in the overviews linked above.