120 N. Huron St, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Holy Eucharist Sundays 10 a.m. info@stlukesypsi.org 734.483.4253
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Feb. 26 Weekly Update

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Weekly Update Feb. 26, 2020

LENT is Olde English for SPRING!!!! When all the world comes alive again and we re-member, join together again, and celebrate the new life coming from the earth. The medieval custom of fasting was to allow those who worked the land and fed the community in so many ways, to have time for prayer; so an intentional season of fasting and feasting and prayer is upon us.
Fasting and Feasting! Adding the letter “e” creates an image for everyone to come to the table and share in the food and companionship. This Lent let us be aware and thankful at every meal, of the blessing of food that feeds our body and every person at the table that feeds our soul. And if we are eating on the run, or alone, still give thanks that you know Jesus hears our “Thank you!” Let the “e” in feasting be an opportunity to be more intentional about picking up one extra item at the grocery for the SWOOPS food pantry for our hungry EMU students this Lenten season.

On March 5th, Thursday evening, the Bishop is coming to visit! The Right Reverend Dr. Bonnie A. Perry will meet with us over appetizers and prayer. The Open House starts at 6:00 p.m.

Lent Book Discussion and Meditation on Wednesdays, March 11th and 25th, at 7:00 p.m.
We will discuss John Dominic Crossan’s book, “The Greatest Prayer: Rediscovering the Revolutionary Message of THE LORD’S PRAYER”. Sign up sheet at coffee hour.

Michigan’s Primary Election is Tuesday, March 10
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry encourages individuals to, “cast your vote, not on a partisan basis, not based on your biases, but vote your values. Vote the values of human dignity and equality. Vote the values of the rock on which this country was built. Vote.” Find Michigan Election and Voter Information at

Please sign-up for Liturgy Teams! Readers, LEMS, ushers and crucifers are an integral part of the service. Be an active part of St. Luke’s! Sign-up sheets are at the back of the Church.

Pledge payments and/or donations can be made on-line with PayPal! Just go to our website at http://stlukesypsi.org/give/

To share news or an event, contact Elizabeth at: info@stlukesypsi.org