120 N. Huron St, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Holy Eucharist Sundays 10 a.m. info@stlukesypsi.org 734.483.4253

March 11 Weekly Update

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Weekly Update March 11, 2020

Lent Book Discussion and Meditation tonight, Wednesday, March 11th and Wednesday, March 25th, at 7:00 p.m.
We will discuss John Dominic Crossan’s book, “The Greatest Prayer: Rediscovering the Revolutionary Message of THE LORD’S PRAYER”.

A COVID-19 Update from Bishop Perry:
“It seems that this Lent we will be greatly challenged by the continuing spread of the COVID-19 virus. I invite all of us to continue to ground ourselves in our daily prayer and scripture readings. I also hope that you are able to reach out to one another to offer support and care….This Lenten season, I believe God is calling us to offer love, hope, and common sense worship practices.” Bishop Perry suggests we view Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s address on COVID-19 https://episcopalchurch.org/concerning-covid19 .
“In this time when we are all affected by the coronavirus, whether directly or indirectly, whether physically, biologically, psychologically, spiritually, and for many economically, it may be helpful to remember that we’re in this together. Jesus came among us in the first place, to show us the way to be right and reconcile with the God who is the creator of us all, and right and reconciled with each other as children of this one God who has created us all, and therefore as sisters, brothers, and siblings, one of another….So look out for your neighbors, look out for each other. Look out for yourselves. Listen to those who have knowledge that can help to guide us medically and help to guide us socially. Do everything that we can to do this together, to respond to each other’s needs and to respond to our own needs.” ~ Bishop Curry

Please sign-up for Liturgy Teams! We need two readers each Sunday, to read the First Lesson, lead the congregation in reading the Psalm, and read the Second Lesson. Readers, LEMS, ushers and crucifers are an integral part of the service. Be an active part of St. Luke’s! Sign-up sheets are at the back of the Church.

Easter Lily Memorials due by April 5th. Envelopes are in the service bulletin, or available at the church office.

As an official partner of the United States 2020 Census, The Episcopal Church and Episcopalians can help make the count as accurate as possible. The census is a self-portrait of the United States. See Bishop Curry’s message on the Census at

EMU Student Food Pantry Donations Needed!
Seasonal favorites: Power bars, soup. Other items requested: coffee & tea, pasta & sauce, toiletries, personal hygiene, laundry and dish soap.

Pledge payments and/or donations can be made on-line with PayPal! Just go to our website at http://stlukesypsi.org/give/

To share news or an event, contact Elizabeth at: info@stlukesypsi.org