120 N. Huron St, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Holy Eucharist Sundays 10 a.m. info@stlukesypsi.org 734.483.4253

Dec. 27 Weekly Update


We are in need of readers, ushers and LEMs.
Your ministry is greatly appreciated.

Stewardship Update

Prayerfully consider your commitment to St. Luke’s
and return your pledge so the Vestry can finalize
the 2019 budget.

No Choir Rehearsal this week!

Rehearsals will resume
Thursday, January 3 at 7:00pm
All voices are welcome!

No Coffee Hour this Sunday

Coffee Hour Hospitality 2019!

Sign-up sheet is available at back of Church.
A simple “cookie & coffee” is all that is needed.

Save the Dates!

January 13 – Epiphany Pageant
January 27 – Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting January 27

Reports from Church groups are due
Thursday, January 17, 2019.
Reports in Word files may be sent to: info@stlukesypsi.org

Putting Our Thoughts & Prayers
into Action!

White House/President: 202-456-1111
Representative/Senator: 202-224-3121
Department of Education: 800-872-5327
Department of Justice: 202-353-1555
Department of Homeland Security/ICE Policy: 202-732-4292
Environmental Protection Agency: 202-272-0167

Liturgy Service  Sign-up

All Are Necessary – REALLY!

We need readers, LEMS, ushers and crucifers for Sundays.
The Liturgy Servers are an integral part of the service. Without your participation, the liturgy is no longer “the work of the people”.  Be an active part of St. Luke’s. Please sign-up!

Student Shopping List!

Please bring on Sundays and help fill up the SOS box.
Snacks, coffee, tea, beverages, ramen, pantry stables
condiments, dish soap, laundry detergent, personal hygiene products.

Pledge payments and donations can be made on-line with PayPal!

Just go to : http://stlukesypsi.org/give/