120 N. Huron St, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Holy Eucharist Sundays 10 a.m. info@stlukesypsi.org 734.483.4253

October 23 Weekly Updates

Congratulations to Drake Roesler for winning the Chili Cook-Off!

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Thank you to the gentle men who worked last Sunday afternoon on “The Church’s One Foundation!”

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Save the Dates!

Halloween Spooktacular, Saturday, Oct. 26
Yankee Air Museum, 10 am to 3 pm.
47884 D Street, Belleville, MI 48111. 734-483-4030.
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Sunday, October 27. Wasem Fruit Farm for
Hot Cider and Old Fashion Donuts.
See Janet Symonette for details.
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Celebration for Bishop Gibbs, Saturday, Nov. 9,
11 am at the Cathedral, Woodward Avenue, Detroit, MI

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Please sign-up for Liturgy Teams!

We need readers, LEMS, ushers and crucifers!
The Liturgy Servers are an integral part of the service.
Be an active part of St. Luke’s. Sign-up sheets are at the back of the Church.

EMU Student Food Pantry!

Power bars, soup, coffee & tea, pasta & sauce,
toiletries, personal hygiene, laundry and dish soap.

Putting Our Thoughts & Prayers into Action!

White House/President: 202-456-1111
Representative/Senator: 202-224-3121
Department of Education: 800-872-5327
Department of Justice: 202-353-1555
Department of Homeland Security/ICE Policy: 202-732-4292
EPA: 202-272-0167

Or, Send a Postcard!

Gary Peters – 724 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
Debbie Stabenow – 731 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
Mitch McConnell – 317 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510

House of Representatives:
Debbie Dingell – 116 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Nancy Pelosi – 1236 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Pledge payments and/or donations
can be made on-line with PayPal!

Just go to our website at http://stlukesypsi.org/give/

To share news or an event, or to unsubscribe from this mailing list,
contact Nancy at: info@stlukesypsi.org